More Tools and Toys for ‘Terps

There's an app for everything, right? Take this time to explore apps and technology that interpreters can use to train and hone their craft. You'll learn how to get to the next level in public speaking, measuring voice quality, reading texts out loud, and more. What Will You Learn? How to use audio book-type apps…

Get to Know Your Glands: A Closer Look at the Endocrine System

Thymus gland or thyroid gland—which is which and where? True or false: all glands have ducts. Hashi…who? Attend this webinar to examine the endocrine system and its related hormones, diseases, and disorders as well as allopathic and alternative treatments. The presentation will include visual concepts and memory techniques to assist future continuing education in this…

memoQ: Getting Started

There are so many translation environments available today that new translators—or even seasoned translators looking to make a change—will likely wonder where to start. The answer? Right here! Begin with a demonstration of memoQ's function and features. Then walk through how to set up a project, run an analysis of translatable documents, run an alignment,…

A Quick Introduction to Trados Studio 2017

Attend this webinar for a demonstration of the basic features of Trados Studio 2017 and how the translation process is done using Trados Studio. This webinar is meant for translators who have used Trados Studio very little or not at all, or anyone who wants to have a quick overview of the software and its…

A Hands-on Look at Déjà Vu X3 from Atril

Computer-assisted translation programs such as translation memory are an essential tool for many professional translators. This presentation will walk through a translation using DVX3, from creating a project, assigning translation resources (TM, termbase, MT), the translation process, alternative views, quality assurance steps, and final review. Other skills and programs that work in conjunction with DVX3…

The Ins and Outs of Game Localization

Translating games sounds appealing, but any game localization expert will tell you how challenging this industry is. With a variety of contexts and styles, this world is filled with idioms, catchphrases, puns, and cultural references that could — and should!— be truly localized. And there are also all the challenges posed by audiovisual restrictions, teamwork…

Divide and Conquer

Contract Clauses Assorted, Explained, and Simplified Efficiency in translating contracts begins with understanding the parts of the document that make the whole. In this webinar, attorney and translator Paula Arturo will review how to apply categories of language when translating contracts to achieve fidelity to source while avoiding literal word-for-word renderings that result in unnatural…

German Orthography for Language Pros

Many years after its introduction, seasoned translators and interpreters still occasionally struggle with the finer points of German orthography reforms. Take this time to brush up on the major changes first introduced in 1998 and the subsequent mini-reforms. During the webinar, Dagmar will discuss the trickiest aspects of German orthography, leading even the most experienced…

Mac for Translators—What Are My Chances?

Given that the vast majority of computer assisted translation tools (CATs) are aimed at Windows users, many Mac users or people who want to use the system are put off by this. But there are workarounds and, indeed, CATs for Macs. Attend this webinar for a brief introduction to CATs for Macs and examples of…

Volunteering: Making Your Investment of Time Worthwhile

Do you ever wonder why people volunteer? Or how they find the time? Using her own experience, presenter Jamie Hartz will show attendees how volunteering has shaped her career as a translator. Key to her presentation is how to find the right fit for your time and talent. Managing commitments and expectations is the final…

Setting Up a Termbase: What Does It Take?

Setting up a termbase is an investment of time, but the result is a huge payoff down the road. You'll ensure consistent terminology throughout your translation, avoid researching concepts over and over again, and efficiently track specific instructions from your clients. If you decide to take on this project, you'll want to know everything you…

Agencies vs. Freelancers? A Market Analysis

The last three decades have seen significant change in how translators, interpreters, and agencies work. Less formal, part-time translators and interpreters have given way to better trained, full-time professionals, while agencies are morphing into major corporations. Technology and internationalization have given freelancers the tools to work globally, as agencies are going high-tech and controlling a…